Jaime Guzmán and his intervention in the Ortúzar Commission in the discussion and approval of the text creating the so-called "Recurso de Protección".
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How to Cite

Soto Kloss, E. (2021). Jaime Guzmán and his intervention in the Ortúzar Commission in the discussion and approval of the text creating the so-called "Recurso de Protección". Derecho Público Iberoamericano, (19), 199–210. https://doi.org/10.52611/rdpi.num19.2021.660


As a tribute to Jaime Guzmán, who thirty years ago (April 1, 1991), while Senator of the Republic, in the midst of democracy, was vilely assassinated outside the East Campus of the Catholic University of Chile (which today bears his name), after finishing his Constitutional Law class at his Law School, by a terrorist group of the extreme left, I have found it useful to describe his intervention in the drafting of the text that ended up being the so-called "writ of protection" (art. 20 of the Constitution/CP). 20 of the Constitution/CP), which came into force as a legal norm as art. 2 of DL 1573 (September 13, 1976) Constitutional Act No. 3.

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