Valuing cultural heritage Hands of Fire project, Juan Egenau Moore

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Rosario Romero Donoso
Io Naya Contreras Pérez


The main objective of the project hands of fire. Juan Egenau Moore, carried out during 2018 and mid 2019, was to value the work of the artist through research and dissemination. For this purpose, research was done on his work and trajectory, together with an online catalog of his sculptures to be disseminated by cultural institutions and reach a greater audience. Subsequently, a didactic book exposing the research was designed with the purpose of communicating the information obtained. It also included high resolution images, in order to illustrate the content for the users in an attractive way. In addition to the intention of contributing to generate a link between heritage and the community, the book published on the web of Chilean visual artists that belongs to the library of the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (MNBA) (http://, contains a travel route of the works located in public spaces, connecting them with cultural /recreational activities. On the other hand, with the purpose of raising awareness and educate the various recipients on the subject, a talk about the work and career of the artist was held in the mnba, where a factsheet of his work was handed to the owners/interested managers. Finally, and with the same purpose, the information about Juan Egenau Moore, was updated in the web of Chilean visual artists, and the present article was published. By valuing the work of Juan Egenau Moore, it is possible to understand the significant and indissoluble bond that exists between research and dissemination when working with the revaluation of cultural heritage. In this context, both terms could be simplified as content and visuality that, according to the nature of the project presented, can be covered by the disciplines of art history and graphic design, respectively. 

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