Design of a digital educational tool for kidney transplant patients

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Javier Adolfo Aguirre Ramos
Juliana Cruz Figueroa
Nicolas Montero Muriel


The educational process for kidney transplant (KT) patients focuses on familiarizing the patient with the surgical procedure, care before and after the transplant, taking medications, and the warning signs associated with organ rejection. Despite this, some patients do not achieve full adherence to the program, which increases the risk of graft rejection. With the support of the Fundación Valle del Lili (FVL) Donation and Transplant Unit, this article presents the results obtained from a search of scientific publications in databases, a contextual observation and a series of interviews with doctors and transplant patients. Results define requirement for the design and development of a pedagogical tool that supports education for kidney transplant patients in the preoperative and postoperative stages. It is concluded that there is enormous potential in the use of a mobile application to support patients to achieve adherence to treatment in a safe and autonomous way, since the tool can support informed decision-making and increase the chances of a successful recovery towards a better quality of life.

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Author Biographies

Javier Adolfo Aguirre Ramos, School of Engineering and Design, Icesi University

Graphic designer, he obtained a professional degree from Instituto Departamental de Bellas Artes in the city of Cali, Colombia. He completed a Master's Degree in Design and Interactive Creation at Universidad de Caldas; He earned a PhD from the Doctorate program in Design and Creation of the same university.He is a member of the Leonardo Design Research Group, where he investigates the interrelation between Design, Innovation, Technologies and the social context.

Juliana Cruz Figueroa, Universidad Icesi

Student of Industrial Design and Interactive Media Design with an interest in user experience design and research. She has been a monitor in design research projects at the ICESI University UXLab and ICESI Virtual. She has also participated in events such as the Oklahoma State University and ICESI University Designathon, and the BNUX Workshop at Beijing Normal University.

Nicolas Montero Muriel, School of Engineering and Design, Icesi University

Interactive Media Design student passionate about user experience design, visual design and research. He has worked in the design of digital and IoT experiences at the Propelland agency, and for the startup Holafly, designing digital consumer experiences. He has participated in the creation of design events at ICESI University and in the BNUX Workshop at Beijing Normal University.


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