Experimentation of biodegradable material with residues of the mandacaru cactus
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This article describes experimental design to develop a biodegradable material by non-laboratory method from residues of the stem of the Mandacaru cactus, a typical plant of the Northeast region of Brazil. This local, renewable and abundant raw material is considered to have the potential for developing new materials and sustainable products in the industrial and craft fields. The trajectory of the research was designed from the perspective of Social and Circular Design, linking them with materials engineering: 1) Collection and storage of residues from the Mandacaru stem by the community of the rural area of Surubim-Pernambuco/Brazil; 2) Treatment and production of powder and binder; 3) Biomass Production and; 4) Conformation of the object. The first results showed a potential use of cactus residues in forming light and tenacious structures with low mechanical resistance to traction. We suggest future studies of this biomaterial in a laboratory environment. Investigations could include using different particle sizes and substituting (or not) the binder. In addition, characterizing its microstructure, studying its productive process by injection and extrusion, and testing its application to short-term packaging.
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