Development and exploratory design of textile based on tea, coffee, and yerba mate

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Yesenia Briones Castro
Andrés Cepeda Salas


Environmental pollution is a global challenge we currently face. In recent decades, there has been a worldwide interest in researching and seeking alternatives to replace non-biodegradable polymers in different industries with a high socio-environmental impact, including the textile industry. In this sense, organic materials from biological sources can contribute to sustainable development due to their origin in renewable sources, abundance in the environment, and potential biodegradability. This project explores the result of a biobased material that has the potential for use in textile products, applying sustainable criteria, such as the revaluation of waste and the use of renewable, non-toxic, and biodegradable raw materials. The manufacturing method proposed allows the production of sheets, added to a physical characterization protocol, resistance to external agents, and workability to determine their properties based on the Material Driven Design method. This methodology focuses on materials applicable in design based on the same attributes they possess. A flexible laminar material is obtained with an average density of 1.5 g/cm3 and a pH of 6.1; likewise, it can be treated with precision manual tools and digital manufacturing technologies such as laser cutting and engraving. Its properties enable the design of a conscious and usability-efficient product. This material offers a sustainable, replicable, degradable, low-cost alternative development. It is harmless to humans and the environment compared to traditional textile materials with a high socio-environmental impact.

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Author Biographies

Yesenia Briones Castro, Research Center on Technologies for Society (C+), Universidad del Desarrollo

Industrial Designer from the Universidad de Chile. Teaching at the School of Design, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU) and iGea-Hélice of the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (fcfm) of Universidad de Chile. She graduated in Circular Economy from the same house of studies. Coordinator and researcher of Biolab FAU Uchile, assistant researcher of the Group of New Materials and Manufacturing Systems of the C+ School of Engineering at UDD. She has specialized in research and development of manufacturing methods for new materials.

Andrés Cepeda Salas, Research Center on Technologies for Society (C+), Universidad del Desarrollo

Mechanical Engineer from Universidad de Santiago de Chile; self-taught sculptor, collaborator in the manufacture of characters for the short film "Bestia". Coordinator of the New Materials and Manufacturing Systems Group of the Center for Research in Technologies for Society (C+). Associate Professor and Assistant Researcher at the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine at Universidad del Desarrollo. He has specialized in three-dimensional parametric modeling and digital manufacturing.


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