Editorial: Emerging materials and [bio-design]

Main Article Content

Jimena Alarcón Castro
Amiton Arruda


The editorial refers to the implication and impact of new proposals for materials in a path of transition towards an object culture with a sustainable approach. Within a contemporary vision framework, developments related to "Emerging materials and [bio-design]" respond to sustainability objectives, exploration of user experiences, and approaches to the design of a new architecture of materials. This special issue presents ten cases from biomaterials, Do-It-Yourself-Materials (DIY), and waste revaluation, which contribute to understanding approaches necessary to address a new era in object production. Its relevance lies in the enhancement of concepts of self-production, integration of advanced technologies, and biomanufacturing in the ideation processes of bioinspired materials to generate environmental, social, and economic advantages.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Jimena Alarcón Castro, Universidad del Bío-Bío

Jimena Alarcón Castro is an associate professor at Universidad del Bío-Bío (ubb). She holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design from Universidad de Valparaíso (Chile), a master’s degree in Wood Construction from UBB (Chile) and Design Innovation (Italy), and a PhD in Design Management from Universidad PolitEcnica de Valencia (UPV), Spain. She is the vice-president of the Ibero-American Design Research Network, belonging to the Ibero-American Design Biennial (BID), Spain. Director of the Surdesign Lab and Design Research Group, recognised as a centre for entrepreneurship and innovation in design by the National Council for Culture and the Arts of Chile. She has collaborated and carried out research internships with organisations in Spain, Finland, Italy, Portugal, and various Latin-American countries.

Amiton Arruda, Universidade Federal Pernambuco

Amilton José Vieira de Arruda is an Associate Professor IV and leads the Research Group on Biodesign and Industrial Artefacts at UFPE. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Product Design Industrial Design from UFPE (1982); a master’s degree in Design and Bionics from IED in Milan (1992); a PhD (Research in Industrial Design) from the Polytechnic University of Milan (2002); and post-doctorate’s degree in Design and Bionics from IADE European University UNIDCOM Lisbon (2018/2019) and Luigi Vanvitelli Naples (2021/2022). Since 1985 he is a professor of the Design Course at UFPE.


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