TID Project Transfer - Innovation - Design from the Biobío Region

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Paulina Contreras C.
Hernán Díaz G.


Biobío is one of the most important regions in the country. Being a source of forest, agricultural and fishing resources, and a node of industrial development and training of human capital and research, is one of the areas with greatest projections of growth and decentralization.In this context, the Regional Productive Development Committee aims to increase the innovation capacity and competitiveness of the business sector, especially small and medium enterprises. This is where design has a place that has not been formalized as such.The Design School at Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD) has had a mission, from its beginnings, to promote the realization of academic projects that enable students to be in contact with entrepreneurship and economic development processes. Thanks to the award Innovation Fund for Competitiveness of the Regional Government of Biobío, to the support of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Innovation iCubo UDD, and Regional ProChile, starting on 2014 the TID Project allowed to strengthen this link and deepen the collaborative work between the university and the productive sector.

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