Why the notion of biodesign has to change? A theoretical-practical approach
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This article presents an exploratory experience aimed at dimensioning the notion of biodesign to strengthen the training of future industrial designers and generate methodological bases to design with biotechnology. We frequently hear the concepts of biodesign and bionics to indicate the application of biological principles in a project. Some courses could address this issue even within the curricula of various degrees in industrial design. However, more should be discussed about biotechnology and its implications, with biodesign in particular and design in a more general scenario. In this context, the following question arises: What notion of biodesign is the one that should permeate today? A theoretical investigation was executed, as well as a methodological approach, which explores the relationship between biotechnology and design through a theoretical framework and the development of several end-of-career projects by industrial design students. The results obtained exemplify an alternative perspective to the exercise of biodesign, which is not necessarily simplified to the application of a biomaterial or the rescue of organic waste, but, on the contrary, can represent the proposal of a new sociotechnical system that impacts the user, the community or even society as a whole.
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